Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Spelling Obama Speech

Word Script Thingy:

As I stand before you in this stadium, we are going to discuss the educational crisis around the world. Did y’all know that the general 5th grade student these days does not know how to put words in alphabetical order? I mean, seriously, how hard is it to get some darn words alphabetized? Apparently we need to add more technology to the whole ecosystem so they can learn how to look at an alphabet and it can be very hands-on, because obviously most kids need to know how to actually complete an assignment. Remember this quotation: I am going to limit the web sites and sources for all the technology, because of the advertising for the industrial companies. Some of the advertising dialogue can be very irritating to your learning experiences. Some of the words are intentional to make you click on the ad, but seriously, we don’t want out children exposed to that. And when I limit the computer sites, I hope it understandable because I want to make sure there isn’t any unnecessary stimulation and exposure. I am just thinking about the children. And I can relieve the unpopular superstition that you can go blind by just trying to photocopy something. Now everybody knows that this paragraph I just recited about child education is going to be monumental all around the world, oh yes and make sure to thank our sponsors over here at the white house, champion shoes. They donate every penny they make to help the survival in Hay Tee. And thank y’all all for coming out to show your appreciation for education and now 5th grade can know what a homophone is.