Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Creature

"It's alive Mua-ha-ha-haaaaaaaaaa!!!" Well, not really. This is the story of how Woolly Pit Rats survived for so long, but their are very few (due to the ugliness of this animal, bless their hearts).

One day there was a Woolly Pit Rat named Bob. Bob lived in a dark pit, where it was very humid, so his hair was all puffy. He pretty much looked like a pea pod with a brown-gray tennis ball on top. So anyways, he went to school one day, and these mice were making fun of him, just because his mom is a Green Pit Viper and his dad is a Bosavi Woolly Rat. So after school he told his parents what happened and they just ignored it (now that's good parenting). So the next day at school the whole class had recess. They were still teasing him, so he just ignored it. Suddenly, he saw a very big owl swoop down and take the mice 1 by 1. Before he knew it, they were all gone. Soon the owl came down and approached him.
" I am very hungry, but you look WAY too nasty and ugly to eat, so I guess I'll just find something else."
From then on he never got made fun of again (even though he was still ugly) and he used his ugliness as an advantage. That is why they aren't very rare, because of their lack of tastef
ulness. And also Bob eventually died because he was way to ugly and nobody cared about him, so when he got sick, they didn't even care to pay his medical bill and stuff, so yeah, he died.