I saw about 200 magnificent gifts perfectly wrapped in the dark corner,just practically waiting for me to join the party.
"Happy birthday to you!" All these voices sang to me.I didn't recognize anybody.I didn't really care(happy dreams bring out the worst state of mind in me).I kept repeating about 1,000 times in the back of my mind,"presents, here I come!!!"
The next thing I knew,It felt like sandpaper was sliding across my face,leaving a trail of warm,wet slobber,like a snail does..except..it...doesn't slobber.I sadly woke up.The image was disturbing.My dumb dog was basically devouring my face.I knew it was too good to be true.There goes my day.
When I went to my "beautiful" bathroom,I needed to clean out my frog's tank.Yeah,that's right!!!I still have my African Dwarf Frog from that fourth-grade science experiment.I just HAD to be cursed with the gift of wonderful-taking-care-of-stuff-goodly.I wish I could say the same thing about my desk at school.SOOO...I brushed my delicious-smelling morning breath (AAAH!!).Oh yeah,and my teeth,too.
Next,I went downstairs to see what I could get for breakfast:
Don't feel like cooking
No time for cooking
Picky mood
I went upstairs to tell my mom.She told me that my dad had already been at the donut shop.YEEESSSS!!!The donuts that we usually get are actually very unhealthy.But HEY,you got to indulge in 2 0r 3(if youre feeling lucky)donuts evry now-and-then.The ones I am talking about I like to call the half-and-half.Some places don't have them so you'll have to special order them.The top are Sweet and glazed and the Bottom are chocolate and flavorful(I like to turn mine upside-down).
After he got back from the long,hungry,sufferful,agonizing journey,everyone ate 2 donuts,and that really filled me up.When I was done it was time for my daily "workout."My sister and I turned on the radio and started jammin.We sang (OK),we danced(good),and occasionally,we spit about 5 freestyle verses.When we were all done,I thought I'd drink an ice-cold glass of water so I can get a head-start on not getting sore.I decided to go into my mom's HUMUNGOUS room so I can watch recording of South Park on her DVR.OK,I know that show might be a little on the PG-13 side,but Stan,Kyle,Butters,Eric,Token,Clyde,Craig,and Kenny remind me of my friends.At that very time,it was special...LUNCH TIME!!!This might sound wierd,but I ate Pop-Tarts for lunch.Hey it's healthy,cheap,and fiils you up.Like every food should!When I was finished eating,I was bored so I started to text my friend from my class.The stupid cell phone battery died,so I used my mom's cell phone.After that,I went into the Media room to watvh my favorite movie..I think.It's called Juno.Whenever the movie was all over,I called my friend.We talked about her last birthday party 2 months ago,and I have the right to say,It was a pretty quick talk.It got me thinking:What do I want to do for my birthday?It sure is coming up quick!My birthday is on October 15,and I need to think about where I want to have it at,and who I want to invite.I will invite 6 of my BFFs and go to the movies or something.I can't have it at anywhere big and fancy,because I had a (about) $500 birthday party last year at Incredible Pizza and Invited around 12 people.When I got through chillin' for about one hour and a half(chillin means to lay down,listen to music and think),It was 5:00.I helped my mom cook pancakes and bacon as we both watched 106 and Park on BET(music videos).It was actually very good.Who knew I could cook?!Finally,I came upstairs and started typing this blog about my whole magnificant day.I sure am living the good life!!!To round up my day,I watched a scary movie and went STRAIGHT to bed(not a very good idea).
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14 years ago
Fantastic Job Alexis, I don't know about 106 and Park, but... well, whatever. BET is actually blocked in my house from my kids watching it. However, great use of adjectives, you described your day very vividly and any reader would feel like they could visualize your day or relate to it very easily. 100%
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