One day in Mr.Smith's class,they were doing math.They next thing you know,something smelt funky!!
"EWW!Did someone fart?" Somebody asked.They all went outside for the fire-drill-thingy-routine and they all fainted because it stank so bad.
"HAHAHAAA!!!Now I have no witnesses,I can take all the world's soda and burp until global warming takes over and the whole world will soon drown since all the ice in the world will melt from all this hot baby breath!!Nobody's even here to stop me!!MWA-HA-HA!!!"
Pretty soon,a big bult of lightening appeared out of nowhere.A super-human-like figure appeared out of that bright,little light,with two little super-puff-thingys on each of her sides.She yelled about as loud as her lungs could take her, these words:
"Prepare to get zapped!I am Shockwave,a decendant of the one and only,AstroBoy!This little daring man over here is Thomas,and this is LuLu.Prepare to get destroyed!"
Thomas and LuLu had very cocky looks on their faces,nodding at every word she was saying (Or they were watching a yo-yo go up and down).
"I have fingers that release lasors that can cut through anything,a finger with all the static electricity in my body,I have super-powered jets,and when I am mad enough,I can do this:"

She then jumped as high as high can be,spun around,and came sown(still spinning).As soon as she hit the ground with one finger(which had static electricity in it),it made a
HUGE difference in the atmosphere.You could just feel it.The ground shook as if God was jumproping on it.Then,the baby's hair(The somewhat of it)stuck straight up,and it shocked him so bad,he started crying and banging on the ground...like..like....A LITTLE BABY!!!He then used his baby-like reflecses to try to throw up all over her.Key words:TRY TO.He tried as much as his huge body could,but he just made a collection of puddles,like after Hurricane Katrina.Shockwave just then used her lasors to carve around the puddles and dropped them on top of the Burping Baby.Having surrendered,Shockwave then put a giant paccefier in his mouth to get him to shut his mouth.After that,she used her jets in her feet to fly to Antarctica and drop them him the water.Thomas and LuLu both ran around the world and made a very cold breeze.So cold,it refroze the ice all over the world,trapping the baby inside the water.It still stunk everywhere,so they had to get all the air-freshener from Wal-Marts all over the world and sprayed can after can of the waterfall-flavored kind,to make it smell natural.You might have figured out by now that everybody woke up and witnessed the whole fight with Shockwave and the Burping Baby.Only few actually saw what happened and you probably don't believe them when they tell you the story.Like now.And the reason why you haven't seen anybody named Shockwave,or the 2 sidekicks of her is because she is still nagotiating with God about all the debt she has with Wal-Marts all over the country.Wal-Marts are missing a lot of air fresheners in their inventory,so they have to buy new stuff with money they don't have.No wonder prices on air freshener is rising.Go figure.
I LIKe IT 0_0
love it
Alexis i really do like your baby villain and your story is really funny i think its funnier than mine!!!!!
I really really really really really really really really like your picture and I love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love your pic of shock wave so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the pic is so cool
I can't get over how funny it is . i love the pic but i also like the story line !!!!!
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