Thursday, December 17, 2009

Xtranormal Movie

Here is my and Olivia's animation movie about I saw Mommy Beating Up Santa Outside Of Best Buy

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



It has been one year since the war has ended,and I have seen a lot of progress since then.More houses are built,and more health care shelters have been,too.I have been making a lot of money,selling items for money.I even sell baked goods!My brother and husband are also doing fine,and they are starting a little business on the land won in the French and Indian War.It is Independence Day today,and It was like one big memorial for everyone who lost their lives in the Revolution. There are fireworks,and even red,white,and blue colored items!We are celebrating our independence from Britain,and we are loving it!I even help put wires up the stems of flowers for the memorials! I smell fresh-baked bread,muffins,and the happy smoke from the fireworks!As I surround myself in red,white,and blue,I walk the streets and think back to last year,and think of how the images I see on the streets have changed.I feel tears coming,and a little choked up.I am never out of things to do.There are little booths on the streets for memorials,and I bring flowers to each one.As you can tell,I am pretty busy.I am going to send you some food ASAP,but after the day ends.I will also write back ASAP.

Yours Truly,

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Dearest Mother,
October 1781

The war got so big,it was just about a couple of acres outside the house.I watched as many men fought for the rights that they believed in,and many lost their lives.At one point,I ran out of food,so I went to one of my Daughters of Liberty friends,and we tried to make a living together.Her house was pretty far from the war,but it was on British property.So I knew attacks were going on,but it was a safer place to be.I was surprised when many hurt soldiers sat on our porch and we used our sewing skills to make cotton cloth to put on their wounds.There were way more British soldiers than any other,and I smell gun powder.Soon I hear shots fire.The war has gotten so big.Many are losing their lives,but many are joining.I am so busy taking care of soldiers that I barely think about my safety.I soon here many soldiers yelling,and less screaming.Hopefully,you know what that means.Mom!!!The war is OVER!!!After my brother and my husband found out that they claimed independence from the British,they ran straight home and hugged me(It took them a while to find me,since my house was pretty much demolished and many other houses were,too.)My brother had been wounded,and he needed care right away.I helped him and when he told me that they won,I was just astounded.But at the same time,how will we repair the yard?What about the house?I have many building skills,working for the Daughters of Liberty for so long,but at the same time,I am very weak.I think that I will just put together house-hold items for everyday use.I will leave the men to recover,then they can help me build the actual houses.I also help out many people,since more are less fortunate.We all take the wounded soldiers to a shelter and many women help out.For the men who didn't fight,they honored all the men who lost their lives by arranging memorials with their widowed wives and their friends and family.I just get straight to work making blankets,bandages,and many other things for the soldiers.I also make food.I can not eat this food,since it was donated.I can't help but think about all the land from the French and Indian War.I think about when they name the land.When people fight over the land.If the British will ever come back.If we will make peace with the British.I hopefully will make money for the materials that I make,and will buy land.The land must have good soil and grass,since our plantation was burned and will never be the same.About 85% of the food that we ate was from our crops.The crops make a simple dinner (and did I mention it is free) and not to mention,is very healthy.When we rebuild our house,my brother will live with me and my husband.I will still try to raise money by selling house hold items (it will be free,but after everything is steady for everyone,you will have to pay) and other things,too.I soon take a look around town (Many soldiers are sleeping,and they say I can't stay,because other soldiers need room).Many things are burned,and I see people on the streets crying and honoring loved ones.I offer them anything I see they need.They say no,even though I know they are trying to be polite and they really need it.I wonder what they are thinking,and if they are aware that there are dead people right beside them.I chuckle at that thought.I just then notice all the construction that is soon going to happen.We will all have to do this by hand,and it will be very long.Until then,I will just have to raise money by selling things,like I already said,to use for materials.I am now really tired,but I have to take care of many hurt soldiers.Many are even burned.I will be writing again soon.

Lots Of Love,

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Off To War!!!

Dear Mom,
To you,my dearest personal thoughts,and just what's going on.

I hear arguing outside.It was getting really violent.Fights broke out in the street.Many mean laws and problems called acts were passed,and many people couldn't take it any more.In about 3 days,my brother and husband are going to fight in the American Revolution.I am praying all the time that they will be okay,and hopefully they will.It is now night time.I go to sleep,wake up and wonder:2 more days.WOW.I will miss them dearly,and I am going to have a talk with them about the risk that they are taking.Yesterday,they said that it was a risk they were going to have to take,and they want to fight for what they believe in and be grateful for what they have.I might want to give you a little-lot of background info:

What led up to the American Revolution?How did it end up like this?I ask myself this every day,but I really know the answer.The British parliament and the colonies' didn't like each other very much.The colonies' parliament didn't have much of a say in what went on.They were also on a very short leash.

The Sugar Act of 1764 put tax on things like sugar,molasses,and other things that many people needed in order to survive.Many people protested,like my local friend James Otis.He is a Massachusetts lawyer,and his words are popularly spread throughout the colonies.His words were,"Taxation without representation it tyranny."Meaning,even though the parliament had no representation or say in what went on,they still gave them taxes.The parliament didn't listen and they just kept adding more and more taxes.In my opinion,it's okay to have taxes,the British just went overboard and wouldn't give them a chance to say what they thought about it. The colonies' parliament wanted to stop taxes,because the British just went overboard.Nobody could afford the taxes,but the British parliament didn't listen.They just kept adding on.

In the Townsend Acts,they taxed imported goods and allowed soldiers to search houses to search for smuggled goods.Since many people protested the Sugar Act,they would get things from other places,and trade things among each other.

Another reason for the war is the Stamp Act of 1765.The British put taxes on any legal documents like newspapers.Colonists protested bitterly,and stopped buying them.They then had to have a Stamp Act Congress to decide what to do.After the meeting,Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty burned anything stamped.The taxes went up,and they put taxes on more and more things.Here's where I come in.I belong to a group of women called The Daughters of Liberty.We made goods that other people boycotted and didn't want to buy.They hated to buy things that had taxes on them.They found it a waste of money.After more fighting and name calling broke out on the street,there was a British soldier outside of a building.A crowd formed around him,and I went over there to see what was going on.This was the beginning of the Boston Massacre in 1770.The then small crowd threw rocks and stones.The crowd got bigger,and they called more soldiers over there.Many people called them Lobster back,since they had red coats.The head Sargent told them not to fire,but one did.The crowd responded bitterly,and the soldiers got scared,so they fired and killed many people in the crowd.I got scared from hearing the shots.I ran as fast as I could and got home for protection.As soon as I smelled gun powder,I felt that I was in danger.I stayed home and locked myself in.I knew that there was going to end up being a war.I just knew it.I often heard shots fire,and I kept to myself.I payed taxes,because I wanted to play it safe.I continued to work in the Daughters of Liberty,helping other people.

Just when I thought everything was at a steady pace (still fighting,but nothing increased),They put tax on tea to pay for the British debt.This was the Tea Act of 1773.Many people thought that was the worst.Many people drank tea every day.It was their escape to luxury.I just loved the smell of tea myself,and it helped me relax after a long day at work.But enough about me,when they really opposed,they fought back with the Boston Tea Party.It was when men dressed as Indians threw cargoes of tea overboard a ship,and into the Boston harbor.Over the next 2 years,everything was steady at pace.Still fights,but nothing real big.Things started getting worse.The British knew they couldn't back down,so they made more laws.The Intolerable Acts.

The Intolerable Acts,also called Coercive Acts: A series of laws passed by the British to punish us for not paying taxes.That is the last straw.I'm so fed up because hey just can't treat us like their own.The colonists got real mad,and boycotted....again.They decided how to settle it-the way most people did:WAR!!!At that thought,I noticed it would put me in danger.They recruited just about anyone-including my husband and my brother.My only 2 dearest things.

I am now cooking dinner.I have enough food to get by,but I will need more matches for cooking.I go down to the local market and I see many people arguing to the sales clerk.They are arguing about how much tax is going up.I just decide to borrow some matches from the neighbor.I make shrimp,since I got some from my husband's job (he's trying to get a little extra money for me during the war).He fishes for seafood in the Boston harbor.

After we eat,I go straight to bed.I need rest for tomorrow,the last day that I might ever see my brother and husband.I can barely sleep.Different thoughts cross my mind about how I will say my final goodbyes.I can't think about that right now.I must keep my thoughts positive.I decide to just go to sleep.
April 19,1775
The next day,I wake up.It is now the last day I will see him.I wake up and I am still nestled in my husband's arms.I wonder how I will spend my final 12 hours with him.My brother comes over for the last day that I will see him.It will be hard,because they have to pack their things.They set their things in a secret space,near the war zone.He puts on his uniform and says goodbye.Why is he leaving early?I ask him,and I am shocked by the answer."The sooner I got there,the sooner I can fight.The sooner I fight,the earlier I finish and then I can come back.My brother agrees,and I tell him goodbye,too.I am now writing this letter to you,and I miss you a lot.I wish you were here because now I have nothing to do and nobody here with me.I miss you much and I love you mom.After the war (no telling when that is),I hope they are alive.I wish it were me that would have to go and fight.I just heard the first shots fired.It is very dangerous here.I will write you back AS SOON AS I CAN.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Voyage

My journey through the Worst:
Day 1:
Just another day...

Everything in the village of Congo was normal.The rice smelled delicious,you could just see how much fun everyone was having.We were all family to one another,except for the rival tribe.Until one day,we were intruded by the European slave traders.They saw how we had many servants,usually prisoners or criminals,who did bad things.I have seen Arab traders,but never European.They called the prisoners "slaves".The thing is,they lived like any other person in the village.But that would soon change in North America.The European traders started sugar and tobacco plantations,and they wanted us to work the fields.They offered rum,tobacco,cloth,and other stuff in exchange for the slaves.The traders then offered guns to people,and everyone got scared.The king of Congo made war against neighbors and and sold people he captured to the slave traders.I was kidnapped while my parents were farming.I was terrified.My own people took me on a canoe.I was with about 7 other captured,confused faces.I knew they were as startled as me,but I knew I must have been more brave,because I kept calm.They took me really far,and the men that were rowing were of my own tribe.They went on as if they didn't even care.But the truth was,I could tell they must have been worried too,since I saw their legs shaking like a chihuahua.I was chained up in the rusty cuffs,connected to those others who were captured.They took me to a place where they traded us for the same things I saw them trading for the other slaves.I knew this would ed badly.They finally let us sleep,still chained together.I was restless.I couldn't stand it.I knew that we were going on something called a Middle Passage.I had about 6 hours of sleep,and I then figured out what a Middle Passage was.
Day 7:
The Middle Passage....

I was put in chains and had to walk hundreds of miles to the coast.The soles of my feet had so many blisters,they looked like bubble wrap.I watched as many people died off,like dinosaurs.I was one of the survivors,even though I was only 11.I was marked with branding irons,and was loaded onto a ship.It generally looked big,but with that many slaves,It was tiny.It took 5-12 weeks,and the trip was a bloody horror.I couldn't exercise,I was chained with this boy I really liked.Doesn't sound so bad,right?Well,I didn't think so.He died after he stopped breathing purposely.My only chance to escape was when they threw him overboard.I decided not to,since I witnessed many others try to,and they got caught.I couldn't sit or stand on the deck.I got more sores from lying on the rough floor boards.The boat was really overcrowded.There was not any room to sit nor stand.The only thing we could do was lay.Every now-and-then somebody tried to kill themselves.Further into the journey,there was more room,with all the slaves who died and went overboard.It still stunk,like dead farm animals.It stank so bad,my eyes would water,like when you chop onions..I closed my eyes,went to sleep,and I tried to obey everything the men told me to do.They knew they had to keep us alive,because if they lost us,they had to pay for it.We sailed overnight,and I got at least 12 hours of sleep.A couple of hours after I woke up, we hit land.
Day 11:
In North America....

Still in chains,I was taken to a place called a "scramble".I went on to a stage,and a man called out numbers,and another one held on to my wrist.After the man holding onto me gave the other man some money,he unchained me and told me my name was going to be Alexis.I really liked that name.He took me to a little cabin,where he said I will be living.I walked in,and he threw me down on a sack full of hay.
"This is your bed," he told me.I was confused,because there were about 5 other strangers there.By the way they were dressed,I could tell that they were sold at a scramble,too.I got very little to eat,and had a rough time sleeping.I woke up at early sunrise,and had to go to work in a cotton field.Many people "played dumb",but I just did as I was told.One man tried to escape,but an overseer caught him and whipped him.I noticed a mark on me,and my 'roommate' had the same one.It must have been from as soon as I got on land,somebody took a branding iron and stamped it on me.It felt very bumpy,and swollen.It was turning the color of a plum.Every day from then on was the same-2 meals a day,little sleep,and work all day long.I guess in North America,I didn't really have a family like back in West Africa.Anyway,I have to get back to the cotton field,I am done eating.I kept on sneezing from all the pollen and cotton.I see any slaves try to escape,but they get whipped,or even killed.My burn still hurts.I take cotton,ball it together,and take tree sap,and use it to paste around the edges of the cotton to my skin so it will heel.I also broke the stem of an aloe plant and put the sticky,gel-like substance on my skin before I put the cotton on.I hear talk that it helps you heel faster.I had to go to another scramble,and got sold to another women.I was happier,because she treated me better.I am now sound asleep in my cabin,but I hear the moans of slaves getting whipped.Even though my life is very rough,I am still lucky to be one of the survivors.

Friday, October 30, 2009

DreamMakers vs. DreamBreakers

Hi,my name is Alexis and I am a Dream Maker. What is the difference between a Dream Maker and a Dream Breaker? Character! When you are a champion,when you do the things you are suppose to do,when you are positive,hang around positive people,and choose your actions wisely. For example: My dream is to be a veterinarian because a lot of sick animals are dying because of their owners mistreating them. When those owners end up killing those animals,they are Dream Breakers. They are breaking MY dream of all animals being free,just like us. I heard you talking about how to be a champion. I am one of the people in my class who is a champion. In fact,I was one of the first. I think what you were saying really inspired me to be a better person,and even when those Dream Breakers make me sad,I will be the bigger person,walk away,and calm myself,because,as you said,it takes too much energy to become angry (Or something you said that was pretty close to that). I will then show off and lead as an example and promise myself,I WILL BE THE BEST I CAN BE!!! My experiences with Dream Breakers has helped me to do that,and be my very best. Like when I was in second grade. This new girl came into our class one day,and she was smiling like the sun. She was really pretty,and she seemed like a very happy person,which I like (You wouldn't like to be hanging around a person that brings you down!) . She apparently didn't have any friends,because she was quiet. All those nice things I said about her,they were COMPLETELY wrong labels. When I introduced myself to her,she replied,"I don't care!" At first,I thought that she just might be mad,because it was her first day,and she didn't have any friends. After she went out of her comfort zone,she must have been jealous of me and my best friend,Giselle,because she caused a whole bunch of fights between us. Giselle and I were almost complete enemies. Until one day,that new girl told Giselle a bunch of lies,and me and Giselle started to fight. I punched her in her stomach,and she cried. It felt so wrong,knowing I was her best friend one second,and her enemy the next. I ran to her side,pleading my case. I couldn't make up any excuses any more. I owned up to my HORRIBLE mistake and she forgave me right away. That new girl got so mad,she started to tell more lies. She cussed,and the lies got so bad,she made one up (I cant really tell because I might get in trouble for something,and she told me not to tell,and I promised and I will just being dishonest to myself), and when her and Giselle were fighting,she told me the truth. After she and Giselle made up,I felt that the new girl would be cheating their friendship,because she constantly lied to her about that same lie. I had to tell Giselle the truth,so I did. At first she didn't believe me,so she sat me and the new girl down(kind of like court)and we pleaded our case. The new girl lied er way out of it,and that added to the long list of things. I had a lot of proof of how bad she was,so I talked to Giselle privately.Giselle saw through her (like she was bathing in Windex) and the new girl got so mad,she started telling me all these Yo Mama jokes,and they were PRETTY cheesy. I just told the teacher,and she understood. She removed the new girl from my class,and she went home to tell her mom,and her mom made a big deal about it,and made her move to a different school. I guess when I actually listen to people that come to our school,like you,It has a bunch of affect on my life. Do you know what I kept saying in my mind the whole time you talked?
"Preach on,man,preach on!"

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Adventures of Shockwave(Astro Boy assignment)

One day in Mr.Smith's class,they were doing math.They next thing you know,something smelt funky!!
"EWW!Did someone fart?" Somebody asked.They all went outside for the fire-drill-thingy-routine and they all fainted because it stank so bad.

"HAHAHAAA!!!Now I have no witnesses,I can take all the world's soda and burp until global warming takes over and the whole world will soon drown since all the ice in the world will melt from all this hot baby breath!!Nobody's even here to stop me!!MWA-HA-HA!!!"

Pretty soon,a big bult of lightening appeared out of nowhere.A super-human-like figure appeared out of that bright,little light,with two little super-puff-thingys on each of her sides.She yelled about as loud as her lungs could take her, these words:

"Prepare to get zapped!I am Shockwave,a decendant of the one and only,AstroBoy!This little daring man over here is Thomas,and this is LuLu.Prepare to get destroyed!"

Thomas and LuLu had very cocky looks on their faces,nodding at every word she was saying (Or they were watching a yo-yo go up and down).

"I have fingers that release lasors that can cut through anything,a finger with all the static electricity in my body,I have super-powered jets,and when I am mad enough,I can do this:"

She then jumped as high as high can be,spun around,and came sown(still spinning).As soon as she hit the ground with one finger(which had static electricity in it),it made a HUGE difference in the atmosphere.You could just feel it.The ground shook as if God was jumproping on it.Then,the baby's hair(The somewhat of it)stuck straight up,and it shocked him so bad,he started crying and banging on the LITTLE BABY!!!He then used his baby-like reflecses to try to throw up all over her.Key words:TRY TO.He tried as much as his huge body could,but he just made a collection of puddles,like after Hurricane Katrina.Shockwave just then used her lasors to carve around the puddles and dropped them on top of the Burping Baby.Having surrendered,Shockwave then put a giant paccefier in his mouth to get him to shut his mouth.After that,she used her jets in her feet to fly to Antarctica and drop them him the water.Thomas and LuLu both ran around the world and made a very cold breeze.So cold,it refroze the ice all over the world,trapping the baby inside the water.It still stunk everywhere,so they had to get all the air-freshener from Wal-Marts all over the world and sprayed can after can of the waterfall-flavored kind,to make it smell natural.You might have figured out by now that everybody woke up and witnessed the whole fight with Shockwave and the Burping Baby.Only few actually saw what happened and you probably don't believe them when they tell you the story.Like now.And the reason why you haven't seen anybody named Shockwave,or the 2 sidekicks of her is because she is still nagotiating with God about all the debt she has with Wal-Marts all over the country.Wal-Marts are missing a lot of air fresheners in their inventory,so they have to buy new stuff with money they don't have.No wonder prices on air freshener is rising.Go figure.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

MY BIRTHDAY!!!HAHAHA!!!(Not an assignment)

Today is my birthday and Mr.Smith wasn't there,but Mr.Pineda was cool and everyone sang happy birthday to me while Pamela and Emaleigh danced.I got through my whole work checklist,and my mom and dad ate lunch with me.I got Taco Bell!!!For my birthday,I am going to see that new Michael Jackson movie,go to Subway,and invite my friends Emaleigh,Yasmin,Pamela,Selena,Hayden,and Giselle to my house for a sleepover.It will be SOOO fun!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tearing Off My Labels Song

Start tearing off your labels don't live up to the bad,
Because other people are just trying to make you sad.
You say just because I wear glasses,I'm a geek,
But they're just something that makes me,me!
(Verse 1)
When someone puts a negative label on you,
They're trying to make you mad,when they know it isn't true.
It makes you mad,but you walk away,
Are you going to let them make you sad...NO WAY!
You think I'm dumb,Oh Please!
But I really shine like a star,can you see me?


(Verse 2)
Live up to the good,not the bad.
Because if you do that,you will be glad.
What other people say,it doesn't matter,
Don't fight back,
It's not enough to be good if you can be better!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What will I do for my birthday?

My birthday is on this Thursday and I don't know what I will do for it.I want to invite 5 people,because I can't have a big one this year like I did last year.Maybe I'll go to Studio Movie Grill in Dallas.It is a restraunt where you get to eat there and watch a movie.I went there once to watch The Tale of Despereaux.It was fun.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tearing Off Labels: Assignment #1

Don't you HATE it when somebody puts a label on you that you are nothing like?Well,a lot of people do that to me.Some people think I'm just a quiet girl that is lazy and is dull and has no personality.Well,I'm not like that.I think the reason while they think that is because I'm obediant and I am,but I also know how to loosen up and have a good time.I don't do that to people that I don't trust and that aren't my friends.But the truth is,I just don't like to trust people because they can go and tell my business to everybody.That's I don't have a lot of friends,but I do have a lot from my old school,because that is where I grew up.That is the down side to having labels.But,a whole bunch of people like me because I don't interupt them and I actually listen to what they have to say.It's really hard to explain myself because I'm not the one dealing with myself.If somebody wanted to know what I was like,they should just ask somebody that I hang around with INSIDE AND OUTSIDE SCHOOL.I love that I have an accepting personality,but I'm not afraid to stand up for what I think is right.I'm also funny,because I grow up around a lot of funny people.I also don't like fighting with someone,but I'll do it if it is a life-or-deat situation.NOT AT SCHOOL.Some people think that I'm weird and ugly,but I don't care.If they don't know me and if they don't like me,why in the world would they make up things about me?I think I was given those labels because I don't like to be around people that I don't know.I get mad easily,but I'm the suffer-in-silence type.I don't like to bring other people down with my mysery.The last thing I want to do is live up to those labels.Doing what I think is right just makes me,me!Like when people don't like me JUST because I don't go to church.SO what!If they judge everybody by their cover,where would that get them in life?I still believe in God and Jesus,I just don't know about Easter or Christmas or anything.I pray more than people that go to church do,and I have a calender that has a different prayer every day,and I do it!With my posotive labels,I will be rich and go to Africa and take all the homeless people out of it.I feel so sorry for them,nobody should be living that way.What would happen when we all live up to our negative labels?We would end up homeless.Like those people in Africa,accept that they might not have lived up to those negative labels.So if you feel like you need some posotie reinforcement,just look in the mirror,list everything good about yourself and remember what makes you,you.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What I did on my extra day off.....YAAWN!!!

I saw about 200 magnificent gifts perfectly wrapped in the dark corner,just practically waiting for me to join the party.
"Happy birthday to you!" All these voices sang to me.I didn't recognize anybody.I didn't really care(happy dreams bring out the worst state of mind in me).I kept repeating about 1,000 times in the back of my mind,"presents, here I come!!!"
The next thing I knew,It felt like sandpaper was sliding across my face,leaving a trail of warm,wet slobber,like a snail't slobber.I sadly woke up.The image was disturbing.My dumb dog was basically devouring my face.I knew it was too good to be true.There goes my day.
When I went to my "beautiful" bathroom,I needed to clean out my frog's tank.Yeah,that's right!!!I still have my African Dwarf Frog from that fourth-grade science experiment.I just HAD to be cursed with the gift of wonderful-taking-care-of-stuff-goodly.I wish I could say the same thing about my desk at school.SOOO...I brushed my delicious-smelling morning breath (AAAH!!).Oh yeah,and my teeth,too.
Next,I went downstairs to see what I could get for breakfast:
Don't feel like cooking
No time for cooking
Picky mood
I went upstairs to tell my mom.She told me that my dad had already been at the donut shop.YEEESSSS!!!The donuts that we usually get are actually very unhealthy.But HEY,you got to indulge in 2 0r 3(if youre feeling lucky)donuts evry now-and-then.The ones I am talking about I like to call the half-and-half.Some places don't have them so you'll have to special order them.The top are Sweet and glazed and the Bottom are chocolate and flavorful(I like to turn mine upside-down).
After he got back from the long,hungry,sufferful,agonizing journey,everyone ate 2 donuts,and that really filled me up.When I was done it was time for my daily "workout."My sister and I turned on the radio and started jammin.We sang (OK),we danced(good),and occasionally,we spit about 5 freestyle verses.When we were all done,I thought I'd drink an ice-cold glass of water so I can get a head-start on not getting sore.I decided to go into my mom's HUMUNGOUS room so I can watch recording of South Park on her DVR.OK,I know that show might be a little on the PG-13 side,but Stan,Kyle,Butters,Eric,Token,Clyde,Craig,and Kenny remind me of my friends.At that very time,it was special...LUNCH TIME!!!This might sound wierd,but I ate Pop-Tarts for lunch.Hey it's healthy,cheap,and fiils you up.Like every food should!When I was finished eating,I was bored so I started to text my friend from my class.The stupid cell phone battery died,so I used my mom's cell phone.After that,I went into the Media room to watvh my favorite movie..I think.It's called Juno.Whenever the movie was all over,I called my friend.We talked about her last birthday party 2 months ago,and I have the right to say,It was a pretty quick talk.It got me thinking:What do I want to do for my birthday?It sure is coming up quick!My birthday is on October 15,and I need to think about where I want to have it at,and who I want to invite.I will invite 6 of my BFFs and go to the movies or something.I can't have it at anywhere big and fancy,because I had a (about) $500 birthday party last year at Incredible Pizza and Invited around 12 people.When I got through chillin' for about one hour and a half(chillin means to lay down,listen to music and think),It was 5:00.I helped my mom cook pancakes and bacon as we both watched 106 and Park on BET(music videos).It was actually very good.Who knew I could cook?!Finally,I came upstairs and started typing this blog about my whole magnificant day.I sure am living the good life!!!To round up my day,I watched a scary movie and went STRAIGHT to bed(not a very good idea).

Friday, September 25, 2009

FutureQuest Lesson 1

When you are respectful,you get a lot of compliments. You know how to be respectful without overdoing it. You are like butter on the toast,a little goes a long way. In order to be a successful student,you need to be obedient.Solve all promblems your teacher tells you, but in a peaceful manner, like not moaning or groaning when you are told to do something.That's the respectful way to do things.You also need to be honest when answering or asking a question to somebody,so it shows how trustworthy you are.When you are not honest,that isn't very thoughtful.The question you may be asking is,how will these help me get to college?Well,when it is your ultimate goal to go to college, you want to do it in the best manner you can.What,you think being mean will get you through college?Make sure you keep a good sense of humor,you know,like I do!!!

Why are plants and algae important in an aquarium?

The importance of plant and algae vary.When you first put in all these plants,you think it is JUST for decoration.But it is very important!The fish and snails are familiar with these types of plants.They eat the plants and gain their energy from it.The plants also give off useful oxygen.Without the oxygen,The fish would pretty much be dead.Another good purpose for the plants is one of the most important.The elodea and some other plants hold on to the dirt,so they pretty much filter the water,so when the fish and snails the plants,they are eating the gunk and dirt.It all gets put together when you really find the purpose of the plants in an aquarium.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ecosystems-How we depend on eachother

Hello!!!!As you know,this is my first blog and I'm going to spend it babbling about my ecosystem and all the little critters inside it.When we first started the experiment,I thought we'd have to bring our own jars and do it the old-fashioned way by scooping dirt into the jars and gathering bugs from outside.I was WAAAAY off when I thought that.We got 2-liter bottles and cut the tops and bottoms off and stuck them together.The bottom was an aquarium with algae,elodea,duckweed,our 2 snails,Bonnie and Clyde,gravel,water,and our 2 fish,Small Fry and BigMac.The top was a terrarium with our 2 crickets,2 rolley-pollies,soil,dirt,mustard seeds (That's right,mustard comes from a plant!),grass seeds,alfalfa seeds,and grass,leaf,and twig matter.I'm most excited to see if BigMac (Girl fish)will have babies.I think that when ecosystems say that we depend on eachother,they really mean it!Lets say that there is a lion,a monkey,a gazelle,grass,and bugs.If the lions didn't eat the gazelles and the monkeys,there would be more of them and they would eat all the bugs,so the grass wouldn't be so healthy