Thursday, December 17, 2009

Xtranormal Movie

Here is my and Olivia's animation movie about I saw Mommy Beating Up Santa Outside Of Best Buy

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



It has been one year since the war has ended,and I have seen a lot of progress since then.More houses are built,and more health care shelters have been,too.I have been making a lot of money,selling items for money.I even sell baked goods!My brother and husband are also doing fine,and they are starting a little business on the land won in the French and Indian War.It is Independence Day today,and It was like one big memorial for everyone who lost their lives in the Revolution. There are fireworks,and even red,white,and blue colored items!We are celebrating our independence from Britain,and we are loving it!I even help put wires up the stems of flowers for the memorials! I smell fresh-baked bread,muffins,and the happy smoke from the fireworks!As I surround myself in red,white,and blue,I walk the streets and think back to last year,and think of how the images I see on the streets have changed.I feel tears coming,and a little choked up.I am never out of things to do.There are little booths on the streets for memorials,and I bring flowers to each one.As you can tell,I am pretty busy.I am going to send you some food ASAP,but after the day ends.I will also write back ASAP.

Yours Truly,

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Dearest Mother,
October 1781

The war got so big,it was just about a couple of acres outside the house.I watched as many men fought for the rights that they believed in,and many lost their lives.At one point,I ran out of food,so I went to one of my Daughters of Liberty friends,and we tried to make a living together.Her house was pretty far from the war,but it was on British property.So I knew attacks were going on,but it was a safer place to be.I was surprised when many hurt soldiers sat on our porch and we used our sewing skills to make cotton cloth to put on their wounds.There were way more British soldiers than any other,and I smell gun powder.Soon I hear shots fire.The war has gotten so big.Many are losing their lives,but many are joining.I am so busy taking care of soldiers that I barely think about my safety.I soon here many soldiers yelling,and less screaming.Hopefully,you know what that means.Mom!!!The war is OVER!!!After my brother and my husband found out that they claimed independence from the British,they ran straight home and hugged me(It took them a while to find me,since my house was pretty much demolished and many other houses were,too.)My brother had been wounded,and he needed care right away.I helped him and when he told me that they won,I was just astounded.But at the same time,how will we repair the yard?What about the house?I have many building skills,working for the Daughters of Liberty for so long,but at the same time,I am very weak.I think that I will just put together house-hold items for everyday use.I will leave the men to recover,then they can help me build the actual houses.I also help out many people,since more are less fortunate.We all take the wounded soldiers to a shelter and many women help out.For the men who didn't fight,they honored all the men who lost their lives by arranging memorials with their widowed wives and their friends and family.I just get straight to work making blankets,bandages,and many other things for the soldiers.I also make food.I can not eat this food,since it was donated.I can't help but think about all the land from the French and Indian War.I think about when they name the land.When people fight over the land.If the British will ever come back.If we will make peace with the British.I hopefully will make money for the materials that I make,and will buy land.The land must have good soil and grass,since our plantation was burned and will never be the same.About 85% of the food that we ate was from our crops.The crops make a simple dinner (and did I mention it is free) and not to mention,is very healthy.When we rebuild our house,my brother will live with me and my husband.I will still try to raise money by selling house hold items (it will be free,but after everything is steady for everyone,you will have to pay) and other things,too.I soon take a look around town (Many soldiers are sleeping,and they say I can't stay,because other soldiers need room).Many things are burned,and I see people on the streets crying and honoring loved ones.I offer them anything I see they need.They say no,even though I know they are trying to be polite and they really need it.I wonder what they are thinking,and if they are aware that there are dead people right beside them.I chuckle at that thought.I just then notice all the construction that is soon going to happen.We will all have to do this by hand,and it will be very long.Until then,I will just have to raise money by selling things,like I already said,to use for materials.I am now really tired,but I have to take care of many hurt soldiers.Many are even burned.I will be writing again soon.

Lots Of Love,

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Off To War!!!

Dear Mom,
To you,my dearest personal thoughts,and just what's going on.

I hear arguing outside.It was getting really violent.Fights broke out in the street.Many mean laws and problems called acts were passed,and many people couldn't take it any more.In about 3 days,my brother and husband are going to fight in the American Revolution.I am praying all the time that they will be okay,and hopefully they will.It is now night time.I go to sleep,wake up and wonder:2 more days.WOW.I will miss them dearly,and I am going to have a talk with them about the risk that they are taking.Yesterday,they said that it was a risk they were going to have to take,and they want to fight for what they believe in and be grateful for what they have.I might want to give you a little-lot of background info:

What led up to the American Revolution?How did it end up like this?I ask myself this every day,but I really know the answer.The British parliament and the colonies' didn't like each other very much.The colonies' parliament didn't have much of a say in what went on.They were also on a very short leash.

The Sugar Act of 1764 put tax on things like sugar,molasses,and other things that many people needed in order to survive.Many people protested,like my local friend James Otis.He is a Massachusetts lawyer,and his words are popularly spread throughout the colonies.His words were,"Taxation without representation it tyranny."Meaning,even though the parliament had no representation or say in what went on,they still gave them taxes.The parliament didn't listen and they just kept adding more and more taxes.In my opinion,it's okay to have taxes,the British just went overboard and wouldn't give them a chance to say what they thought about it. The colonies' parliament wanted to stop taxes,because the British just went overboard.Nobody could afford the taxes,but the British parliament didn't listen.They just kept adding on.

In the Townsend Acts,they taxed imported goods and allowed soldiers to search houses to search for smuggled goods.Since many people protested the Sugar Act,they would get things from other places,and trade things among each other.

Another reason for the war is the Stamp Act of 1765.The British put taxes on any legal documents like newspapers.Colonists protested bitterly,and stopped buying them.They then had to have a Stamp Act Congress to decide what to do.After the meeting,Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty burned anything stamped.The taxes went up,and they put taxes on more and more things.Here's where I come in.I belong to a group of women called The Daughters of Liberty.We made goods that other people boycotted and didn't want to buy.They hated to buy things that had taxes on them.They found it a waste of money.After more fighting and name calling broke out on the street,there was a British soldier outside of a building.A crowd formed around him,and I went over there to see what was going on.This was the beginning of the Boston Massacre in 1770.The then small crowd threw rocks and stones.The crowd got bigger,and they called more soldiers over there.Many people called them Lobster back,since they had red coats.The head Sargent told them not to fire,but one did.The crowd responded bitterly,and the soldiers got scared,so they fired and killed many people in the crowd.I got scared from hearing the shots.I ran as fast as I could and got home for protection.As soon as I smelled gun powder,I felt that I was in danger.I stayed home and locked myself in.I knew that there was going to end up being a war.I just knew it.I often heard shots fire,and I kept to myself.I payed taxes,because I wanted to play it safe.I continued to work in the Daughters of Liberty,helping other people.

Just when I thought everything was at a steady pace (still fighting,but nothing increased),They put tax on tea to pay for the British debt.This was the Tea Act of 1773.Many people thought that was the worst.Many people drank tea every day.It was their escape to luxury.I just loved the smell of tea myself,and it helped me relax after a long day at work.But enough about me,when they really opposed,they fought back with the Boston Tea Party.It was when men dressed as Indians threw cargoes of tea overboard a ship,and into the Boston harbor.Over the next 2 years,everything was steady at pace.Still fights,but nothing real big.Things started getting worse.The British knew they couldn't back down,so they made more laws.The Intolerable Acts.

The Intolerable Acts,also called Coercive Acts: A series of laws passed by the British to punish us for not paying taxes.That is the last straw.I'm so fed up because hey just can't treat us like their own.The colonists got real mad,and boycotted....again.They decided how to settle it-the way most people did:WAR!!!At that thought,I noticed it would put me in danger.They recruited just about anyone-including my husband and my brother.My only 2 dearest things.

I am now cooking dinner.I have enough food to get by,but I will need more matches for cooking.I go down to the local market and I see many people arguing to the sales clerk.They are arguing about how much tax is going up.I just decide to borrow some matches from the neighbor.I make shrimp,since I got some from my husband's job (he's trying to get a little extra money for me during the war).He fishes for seafood in the Boston harbor.

After we eat,I go straight to bed.I need rest for tomorrow,the last day that I might ever see my brother and husband.I can barely sleep.Different thoughts cross my mind about how I will say my final goodbyes.I can't think about that right now.I must keep my thoughts positive.I decide to just go to sleep.
April 19,1775
The next day,I wake up.It is now the last day I will see him.I wake up and I am still nestled in my husband's arms.I wonder how I will spend my final 12 hours with him.My brother comes over for the last day that I will see him.It will be hard,because they have to pack their things.They set their things in a secret space,near the war zone.He puts on his uniform and says goodbye.Why is he leaving early?I ask him,and I am shocked by the answer."The sooner I got there,the sooner I can fight.The sooner I fight,the earlier I finish and then I can come back.My brother agrees,and I tell him goodbye,too.I am now writing this letter to you,and I miss you a lot.I wish you were here because now I have nothing to do and nobody here with me.I miss you much and I love you mom.After the war (no telling when that is),I hope they are alive.I wish it were me that would have to go and fight.I just heard the first shots fired.It is very dangerous here.I will write you back AS SOON AS I CAN.
